Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Chapter 78: Work!

i have been particularly lacking in the blog posts as of late due to my new job! it's been almost two weeks since i started this job (wow, time flies), and all i can say is that i have never been more thankful for this opportunity. in this time of economic and personal downfall, saying that one loves her job is truly a luxury, but one that i am so lucky to have. sure, the commute might be exhausting and the idea of truly being in the real world a pain, but i am one of the few who get to walk into her office with a genuine smile on my face.

now back to our scheduled programming.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Chapter 75: The first day of the rest of my life.

i hate this saying. i've heard it in so many speeches and read it in cards and i'm tired of it. who determined that everything done before that day was worthless?

i remember it most clearly being said on the day of my high school graduation. some dignitary or another said this line in his recycled speech that he used every year. i sat there and realized i was highly insulted. the rest of my life was to be determined by what i had done so far, so how could i forget it so quickly

isn't it better to remember where it is that we come from? granted, there are certain things in my own past that i don't care to revisit, but those have made me who i am. and keeps me remembering who i don't want to be.