Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Chapter 14: Romance.

i know everyone asks this question, but i have to ask it too: is romance really dead? well, damn. that sucks.

i really think, like every woman does, that i was born into the wrong century. where are the flowers, candy, little blue boxes, moonlit walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, oh come on don't make me go on!

i really started thinking about this last week when i was out to dinner with some friends. we were at a thai place near campus, a normal place that we tend to frequent a lot. towards the end of the dinner, i had to make a phone call so i left the table. upon returning, the faces of all the other 9 people at the table were so wrought with emotion that i was instantly curious to know what had occurred in that brief of expanse of time that i missed. the guys at the table were smiling incredulously at each other. the girls were looking at each other in complete awe and wonder. and one lone girl at the end of the table was sitting there with the most mortified look on her face. and a slice of cheesecake in front of her.

it seems that a boy from our year, who had been sitting at the bar when we came in, decided to send this particular girl this particular slice of cake. no one let her live this down, especially not the guys.

but honestly, i was kind of impressed. how many guys can really summon the courage to do something like that, and in front of all her friends? it wasn't even anonymous because everyone at the table knew that it had been him. yes, this action was met by laughter by most of the table, but i'm pretty sure that every girl secretly hoped that she was the one in that position. after all, what girl wouldn't want to be fawned over with a piece of really good cake?

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