Friday, November 5, 2010

Chapter 87: I heart.

as i've mentioned in this blog before, i moved to nyc at the end of august, and and at my two month mark, i'm looking back on what i thought this would be and what it's turned out to be. i know that it is always that quintessential dream of any fresh faced college student to move and make it in the big city, but that has truly been my dream. growing up in a small town where i could actually see the empire state building on a clear night instilled in me a sense of constant longing. however, living so close to the city meant that i didn't go there very often so i developed this incredibly idealized dream of what it could be - a dream based on fragments from movies and radio and anything else i could get my hands on. as most teens do, i had an incredibly ornate and grand design of what my life was going to be once i moved.

now that i'm here, i can honestly say that it is nothing as i had imagined. i forgot to imagine the being adult aspect of living in nyc. but as much as things can suck, i'm sure that i wouldn't be happier anywhere else but right here, right now.

i heart nyc.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Hi Sherene- I saw this on Design Sponge a while back. This could be perfect for your earrings...

Thanks for your comment :)
-Stephanie, Love&Lace