what if all the world really was a stage? who would you be everyday?
i've thought about this a lot. the idea that you can leave your house one fine morning and be someone completely different, a different character with a different past, present and future. some days, it's so tempting. other days, i don't want to be anyone else in the world.
sometimes it does feel like the world is one huge production. sometimes elaborate and gaudy, other times minimalistic and stoic, always a show. and the script seems to be ingrained in the very pores of our skin. a few lines:
"hi, how are you?"
"fine, thanks. and you?"
"it's such a beautiful morning."
"i know. i hope the weather lasts."
"does this dress make me look fat?"
as long as the correct answers are given, the wheels keep turning and the world is at peace with itself. however, change a word or two, like:
"hi how are you"
"awful. and yourself?"
time screeches to a halt, babies start crying, famine strikes. and yet, this answer might be coming from complete and utter honesty. the person who is awful is merely making a statement, and isn't even asking the other person to listen to exactly what is so awful. yet, the other person will walk away from that conversation uncomfortable and troubled, and will have it lurk in his mind for the rest of the day. any spare moment will be devoted to thinking about this conversation.
i think i may try a bit of impromptu acting in my life from now on. you know, just to shake things up a bit.
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