Monday, March 24, 2008

Chapter 33: A Love Song

i absolutely had to put this up...

A Love Song
Sherene, we are your number one fan,
You make us want to fly like Peter Pan.
You are irresistible to every man,
You make them say, “I can!”
The way we bust it out,
Leaves us without a doubt,
That we can always party it up,
Until our neighbors say “sha-up!”
We know you like to ride it dirty,
And at times can be quite flirty.
You never disappoint,
When it comes to passing the joint!
It’s good to know you’ll always be there,
Even if I get grillz you’ll still care.
You are indeed a dime that’s top of the line,
Cute face lil’ waist and a big behind!
Sherene, you know you’re our gal,
An amazing friend, lover and pal.

Much love always,
Michelle, Natasha & Piyali
January 25, 2008

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