i've found that this blog comes in handy at major moments in my life. anyone who said that writing is therapeutic was absolutely correct. it's at these major moments in my life that i realize how much i can unload onto this mere web page that's wonderfully lost in the abyss of the internet. the world wide web can be an excellent place to hide those very thoughts that go through our heads or our hearts that can be so difficult to tell anyone else. who knew that such a public sphere could be so private?
so what major moment has prompted this comeback? i'm starting over. completely. thank god i'm only 22 because this would be impossible to do if i were any older. this would also be impossible to handle if i were any older. but that's the beauty of youth. not only do we retain those attributes of strength and attractiveness and energy, but we can also get hit with wave after wave of disappointment and not sustain any injuries. at least not on the outside.
but i know i'll get through this, and i know i'll get through this alone. but that's ok. i've found that regardless of how much i may lose faith in the world and those around me, this blog always welcomes me back with open arms and a blank page.
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