Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Chapter 63: Let's move on.

there are moments in my life when i just don't want to talk. it's nothing anyone should take personally because sometimes, i just don't want to talk about what is bothering me at that particular moment. i know that talking things out can be good for the soul and all, but i don't think this should be considered a rule of thumb. it's my problem, and it's my decision to keep it as my problem.

it should also not be construed as selfish when i attempt to keep these things to myself. rather, it should be considered a compliment that i decided not to ruin your day by unleashing my list of complaints and disasters into your world that five minutes ago seemed quite good. i am not keeping things from you, i am saving you from a life of negativity. besides, this will past as mostly all bad moods pass. i'd rather not prolong it by continuing to talk about it. doesn't that just make more sense?

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