Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Chapter 82: A change, I think.

i haven't been quite as prolific with this blog as i would like to be. in a previous post, i mentioned how this blog usually comes in handy when something terrible has gone on in my life and i need an inappropriate venting space. i guess i've comet to the realization that maybe this blog could be more than that. i mean, there are plenty of people out there who use their blogs to make money. i mean, that's obviously not a motivating factor, ahem...

i've been reading more blogs recently and realized that there are so many people out there who just talk about their lives and it's awesome. maybe mine can be the same, we'll see.

i've also realized that i don't share much about who i am beyond the small about me in the corner so i'll provide a small recap on my life, and the changes that have happened recently. i currently work in book publishing, which i absolutely love. i wanted to work in this industry and am so happy that i'm a part of it. i recently moved to nyc, which is basically the mecca that i've stared at from nj for the past 23 years. oh and i'm 23 years old.

so that's that! i hope you enjoy and comments are always welcome.

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