Monday, June 11, 2007

Chapter 7: The future.

i've been thinking about my future a lot the past few weeks. partially because i'm now going to be a junior in college, and i need to make some concrete decisions. partially because people around me have been talking about their futures a great deal. and partially because my mother insists on bringing it up in every conversation we have.

so what's the problem? well, for one, i don't really know what i'm doing with my life. wow, that sounds pathetic when i say it out loud. rather, write it out loud. i'm in a positive situation, though. i have too many options rather than none. some of those options really appeal to me, others really appeal to my parents. then there are those that appeal to both of us, but i'm not really sure if i can accomplish them.

how do i choose? no idea. i tend to set lofty goals for myself, and they don't seem to work out a lot of the time. i think i should try setting small ones, you know, things i can do in a week. like study my gre's 2 hours per week. write for 15 minutes a day (stole that one). go to the gym 3 times a week.

i'll let you know how this works out.

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