Friday, June 15, 2007

Chapter 9: Hi, this is Sherene. I'm not feeling well today...

last wednesday, i called out sick from my job. naturally, i wasn't sick at all, but i did it anyway.

it was a combination of staying up late the night before catching up on episodes of "the office," seasonal allergies beginning to kick in a bit (this is the truth), and my bed was really warm. i thought these were all valid reasons for calling out.

is that even acceptable? to take a day off just for yourself? by conventional standards, no. how dare anyone decide that this day be theirs, and theirs alone. when one enters the "real world," his/her life no longer belongs to just him or her. her life is now the property of everyone else around her: the boss who tells her what to do, the co-workers for whom she must watch television the night before so she can keep up with their coffee conversations, the weatherman who tells her what to wear.

and don't lag behind, dear! keeping up is basically what the game is all about. which is what i find myself doing. and thank goodness, as in any game, there are cheat codes. have your work on screen somewhere so that when your boss walks by, she doesn't see you updating your blog. as soon as you get to your desk, go to any news site and look at the highlights from last night's tv. after all, tv shows seem to be covered more than, oh i don't know, a war, let's say? and screw the weatherman. but you might be uncomfortably too hot or too cold, depending on just how you screwed him. and keep an umbrella in your over-sized purse at all times because you don't need to get wet to make a statement.

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