Monday, July 13, 2009

Chapter 69: Recessionista.

no blog would be very hip and happening (do people still say that?) today if it didn't mention the recession. it's everywhere: in tv commercials that start off with "these days, it's important to...", in the newspapers and news channels, even on your paycheck. or lack thereof. it's impossible to turn the corner or simply stroll down the street without the recession sneaking up on you, one way or another.

even webster's is getting a make over with words like "recessionista" popping up. according to the nytimes, this refers to "the style maven on a budget" (article here). basically, there are women out there who refuse to give up style for financial difficulties. even in an economic crisis, fashionistas everywhere are still making an effort to look effortless.

to be honest, this is the healthiest reaction to the recession i've seen yet. i'm not saying that we should refuse to accept what's happened and put our heads in the sand, and neither are these women. they're adapting to their surroundings, something humans have lost the ability to do. we're used to running in, taking over, and depleting the resources around us. and yet, evolutionarily speaking, we've done pretty well so far, so what could possibly be stopping us now?

today, a recession is the equivalent of an ice age or sudden global warming: an unwelcome change in our surroundings that makes us re-evaluate our lives and living situations. we wake up one morning, and suddenly, the world is not the way we left it when we went to sleep the night before. so shouldn't we be dealing with this the way homo-sapiens have for ages? we adapt, we make the best of the situation, we survive, and we go on. we may not be as resilient as the cockroach, per se, but we are pretty good. if even style can withstand the recession, imagine our possibilities.

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