Thursday, July 30, 2009

Chapter 73: The last page of a book

i've never believed in looking at the last page of a book until i've earned it. i should not be allowed to know the final outcome without having poured over each page, each sentence, each plot twist or dragging monologue. my reward for all of it is the end, the finale, the point when everything finally comes together and there is a bigger picture that i can finally see. i've always kept this rule with the utmost severity.

but only with books. i've found that in nearly every other aspect of the life, i either don't care about the ending or find that i might prefer to know what's going to happen. maybe it's a way to prepare myself; i'm not sure. with movies, for example, i might sometimes like to know the ending so that i can pick out the nuances that point to that outcome that are inevitable embedded within the plot. i like to predict.

the one place that i'm dying for a peek into the future is the one place i can't get it. then again, that's the funny thing about life.

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