Friday, July 31, 2009

Chapter 74: A change in the winds

when i was around 7 years old, i got lost in my local supermarket. i went in with my mother and somehow, my attention was diverted towards an object that must have been shiny or pink or both and i wandered away. upon looking back, my mother was gone, along with any sense of familiarity with my surroundings. the dairy aisle become a foreboding land and i did what anyone would have done in that situation: i started to cry and wandered around until i saw the light of the open door.

well, don't worry, my mother found me and i was all safe again because i knew where i was and where i was going. it's interesting how much security we get from knowing what comes next in life. recently, i've lost that sense of security as i've wandered through aisles of classifieds and job postings, trying to figure out where i'm going.

things have changed today, and certainly for the better. there is once again a purpose to my life, a direction in which i'm going. and it feels amazing to know where tomorrow will lead.

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